Returns & Exchanges

Most purchases (including purchases made at brick-and-mortar locations and Choose What You Pay purchases made online) may be returned within 14 days.

To request a return, simply navigate to Orders & Returns while logged into the site, select the items from the order you're shipping back and why, then choose the type of refund you'd like (refund to your original payment or store credit).

It takes our warehouse 21 days to receive and process your refund. We'll send an email once the returned item(s) have been received and your refund has been processed.


When you have selected a garment you wish to purchase, click "Add to Cart". To complete the purchase, click on the shopping cart on the top right hand corner of the screen. This will take you through to the checkout process, where you will enter your shipping and billing address and select a payment method.

If you have trouble signing into our website, first check the specific text of the error message you received. The most common problem is a misspelled address or password (ensure both your CAPS LOCK and NUM LOCK facilities are off). If the problem persists, contact Customer Services (through the button”Contact us” at the bottom of any page) and we will email you a new password.

Yes. In the checkout process, you can add and select a different address from the billing address.

If you do not have a current Colien garment on which to base your size, click on the 'Size Guide', which you can find on every product page in the online store. This converts body measurements to Colien clothing sizes.

When you add the products to your basket, please go to the tab BUY NOW. On the right side, the summary of the order displays, and under the list of the selected products there is the text “Do you have the discount code? Click here”. When you click, the box will appear, in which you need to enter your code and then confirm. The amount of the order will be automatically reduced by the value of the previously entered code.


It depends on the delivery method you chose and may vary from country to country, the actual delivery may take from 2 to up to 14 days.

We offer you two options:
The really fast shipping via DHL for 10€ or
A bit slower National Postal Service shipping for 5€.

The delivery cost is added to your bill after you log in to the payment platform of your choice. We accept PayPal and all major credit cards.

Yes, we ship worldwide.

We manufacture in and ship from Poland, European Union.


Currently we accept all major credit cards(Master Card,Visa), PayPal, Payu and Sofort.

No, you don’t. However our registered users get loads of discounts for loyalty.

Create an account and be the part of our community. We often give discounts to all our loyal customers and all our Facebook and Instagram fans.

Metody płatności
  • Za pobraniem
  • Mastercard
  • Visa
  • American Express
  • PayPal
  • PayU
  • Sofort
Nasi partnerzy
  • Poczta Polska
  • inPost Kurier
  • Paczkomaty inPost
  • DHL
  • FedEx
  • UPS